Monday, February 25, 2013

Facebook AutoPost

I am testing a facebook auto-post to see if I can help a friend going on a mission to update all her friends. Let's see if actually works as simply as it says it should.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Windows 8 Start Button

I like most people have felt a little empty not having a start button on the bottom left corner in windows 8. So I made a quick executable that just opens the start menu, then pinned it to my start menu in the leftmost spot. Download it here. (Thank you dropbox public folder.)

You might get some kind of warning, like this one I got from chrome, just click the arrow and keep. If you don't trust me make one yourself using the info below here.

Here is how I made it. I found on line that you can use this code for a Visual Basic script:

set wShell=wscript.createobject("")
wShell.sendkeys "^{ESC}"
Set WshShell = Nothing

Then I found an icon I wanted. I liked this one. Then I downloaded a program called VBSEdit, which has a function to make a vb script into an excectable. (Just use the evaluation version) Then TADA a working button to have there.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I just found out that when I talk about a product I can make money or something by adding a direct link like the one below. Since Ticonderoga pencils are the only pencils I like to use and have recommended in the past, I wanted to see what this would look like. That is all.


I have wanted to post for a while again, just because I want to. So far I have been foiled all to often. Some times I start and just don't know what to say anymore, mostly because I am too tired that my brain turns off. Other times I have my girlfriend or cleaning checks or roommates or something pop up and it makes me put it off.

I want to address my being tired. I am not going to complain like I have wanted to in the past I just wanted to say it. I can function really well when tired because I have had terrible sleeping habits most of my life, most people  don't notice too much when I am tired, because that is just who I am. I usually go from activity to activity using my ADD abilities to keep me awake, because I know as soon as I relax I am done and It will probably take more energy than I have to get me back on track.

That all being said this week I am seriously tired. Yesterday I went to work, and got some things done, but mostly my brain just turned off, and when I wasn't working on something in specific time just disappeared. It is amazing how slow/fast time can go when you don't notice it happening. Then I went to the grocery store. I took an hour there, which felt like five. I got more things than usual, but mostly I just had found a few recipes that I wanted to make for Valentines Day. Tomorrow I plan on waking up early and making breakfast, and then coming home from school and making dinner, while fitting in maybe a ballet and hopefully some homework. I really don't know how I am not going to pass out somewhere along the way, but I will try.

Back on topic, sleeping is hard. There is something wrong with me, that I can be as tired as anyone has ever been, and as soon as I get into bed at night I am wide awake. This phenomenon doesn't happen during the day, I can nap all I want, practically anywhere I want. This is a problem. In the past, and probably still I have had some problems, like I didn't exercise enough in the day or I just like having noise on, which sometimes keeps me up longer than putting me to sleep. Recently I have been doing the noise thing. I don't know what it is, but as soon as the day comes to an end, I don't want to face tomorrow. I don't know why, but that has been keeping me up. I try to drown it out by turning on some show to just fall asleep to, but that doesn't always work. Being afraid of tomorrow every night is not something I am used to. I like my life and I don't know where the fear comes from.

Well I need to get to class and ranting isn't helping. There is homework to be done places to be. I just want to sleep for a week and then I think I will be fine, but sleep is not something that I get to do, even when I have the time.